Why do we need this service?

Shopping services has become extremely time consuming and more complex given the
constant changes in technology!

We used 3rd party services to review in the past. Why use CTR?

Where we differ from other companies you may have used in the past is that we don’t stop at the implementation process. We can help manage your services ongoing with our Managed Services Solution.

The day to day events that occur that take you away from the business at hand can be greatly reduced with our real “Clear Your Desk” solutions. Let us follow up with suppliers to seek billing and service resolutions.

How do we get started?

Allow us a 10 minute Conference call and we can discuss your current business needs, expenses, concerns with vendors and suppliers used currently. With info we receive (statements, contracts, other details… We can begin to review and come back with meaningful suggestions to save you time and money.

What if our suppliers call during CTR review process?

Please let them know that the review was approved and to direct any suggested changes or offers they have to both you and us so we can maintain the most up to date details to achieve a great outcome.