Bruce Na

Hitachi America Ltd

CTR Business Solutions, Inc. did a very good job understanding our needs and providing the appropriate services to meet our needs. CTR and their partners were prompt, responsive, and courteous in the execution of their work and their performance was very good. We wouldn ‘ t hesitate to employ CTR again in the future.


Since 1996 CTR Business Solutions has been helping clients Save Money, Solve problems and seek solid solutions for their business needs. Clients have relied on us to handle a project from start to finish seeking new and changes to existing services in Telecom, Internet, IT services, Energy, Office and Facility services and equipment and much more.

The longevity of services has to do with our philosophy in business which is to do for others what we would want done for us when needing help. Sincerity in the desire to help clients achieve their business goals has been the goal from the beginning.

CTR Cost Control has been helping business customers since 1996 in managing services, purchasing, ongoing services support and much more.  We help clients in the services they rely on to do business daily. 

We can review, negotiate, implement and handle the day to day management of their infrastructural costs and services. 

In addition to controlling costs, we can help oversee implementation of changes that enhance your business and manage projects from Beginning to end. We can provide outside the box solutions for the specific needs of you business.

Savings on services with suppliers you already use every day can pave the way for adoption for that project investment that may be held up due to unexpected expenses or economic conditions.

Chris Rinaldo

I began this company in 1996 and bring with me access to many solid solution partners in a vast array of business services needed to run a business effectively and efficiently!

Chris Rinaldo

Information Technology entrepreneur. Founder and chairman of conglomerate including YesAmerica, and Serve United. Steve has 30 years of business acumen that provides clients with the experience of a corporate director.

John Wallen
21 Globe Director

Complete computer network solutions design, implementation and ongoing support for small, medium and fast growing offices in Northeast Ohio.

CNN interview with MicroSURE™

Interest in MicroSURE™ has been steadly increasing after it came out that the Denver Broncos are using the product to protect their players and fans. Soon Fox News will interview the creator of the product to give the public more information on this amazing new technology. This blog will be updated with the details when the segment is shown on the Fox Channel. In the mean time, read through the following information to get an understanding of how MicroSURE™ is not like the ordinary chemical disinfectant. You can see more on our MicroSURE™ Science page.

How does it kill the virus without chemicals?

Recent scientific advancements have enabled the ability to create nano-sized coatings composed of inert inorganic materials. MicroSure™ products use this technology to prevent microbial pathogens from attaching to surfaces.

The Coating

MicroSure disinfectants produce a durable protective nano crystalline silicon dioxide (SiO2) coating that covalently bonds to almost any surface. This can be likened to a bed of nails that mechanically kills micro organisms on contact.

The Attack

The result of the application of microSURE™ is a surface that is only 4-5 nanometers in size. The coating is comprised of crystalline structures, similar to spikes, that penetrate the cell wall of biologically dangerous micro-organisms, resulting in a process called a “mechanical kill”.

The Kill

This “mechanical kill” differs from the usual chemical kill processes that have historically been used to combat viruses, bacteria, and fungi, in that MicroSure™ products do not contain toxic chemicals that can end up in the environment, causing as much damage as they were intended to prevent in the first place. Eventually, the MicroSure™ nano-surface will be abraded off and will need to be reapplied. The rate of abrasion depends on the frequency with which the surface encounters other surfaces, but our 8HD hand sanitizer lasts up to 8 hours and the MicroSure™ All-Purpose Cleaner and Disinfectant can last up to 30 days!

MicroSure™ disinfectants are revolutionary new environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and non-hazardous products. Once applied as a coating they provide lasting protection against harmful biological micro-organisms such as viruses (including COVID-19), bacteria and fungi.

This makes microSURE™ products the best choice for protecting you and your environment.

Fox News Highlights Microsure™ Benefits

Interest in MicroSURE™ has been steadly increasing after it came out that the Denver Broncos are using the product to protect their players and fans. Soon Fox News will interview the creator of the product to give the public more information on this amazing new technology. This blog will be updated with the details when the segment is shown on the Fox Channel. In the mean time, read through the following information to get an understanding of how MicroSURE™ is not like the ordinary chemical disinfectant. You can see more on our MicroSURE™ Science page.

How does MicroSURE™ kill the virus without chemicals?

Recent scientific advancements have enabled the ability to create nano-sized coatings composed of inert inorganic materials. MicroSure™ products use this technology to prevent microbial pathogens from attaching to surfaces.

The Coating

MicroSure disinfectants produce a durable protective nano crystalline silicon dioxide (SiO2) coating that covalently bonds to almost any surface. This can be likened to a bed of nails that mechanically kills micro organisms on contact.

The Attack

The result of the application of microSURE™ is a surface that is only 4-5 nanometers in size. The coating is comprised of crystalline structures, similar to spikes, that penetrate the cell wall of biologically dangerous micro-organisms, resulting in a process called a “mechanical kill”.

The Kill

This “mechanical kill” differs from the usual chemical kill processes that have historically been used to combat viruses, bacteria, and fungi, in that MicroSure™ products do not contain toxic chemicals that can end up in the environment, causing as much damage as they were intended to prevent in the first place. Eventually, the MicroSure™ nano-surface will be abraded off and will need to be reapplied. The rate of abrasion depends on the frequency with which the surface encounters other surfaces, but our 8HD hand sanitizer lasts up to 8 hours and the MicroSure™ All-Purpose Cleaner and Disinfectant can last up to 30 days!

MicroSure™ disinfectants are revolutionary new environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and non-hazardous products. Once applied as a coating they provide lasting protection against harmful biological micro-organisms such as viruses (including COVID-19), bacteria and fungi.

This makes microSURE™ products the best choice for protecting you and your environment.

Lake County Florida Schools

Lake county has taken to protecting their school children, teachers and school administrative staff with microSURE. Here is an article from the Orlando Sentinal.

School Superintendent Diane Kornegay thanked the board and said the new protections would allow officials “to give greater assurances to our community that we are doing everything possible to get our children back to school and our parents and teachers back to work.”

The money comes from the federal $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, for…”The purchase and application of MicroSure disinfectant, which is sprayed on surfaces to kill bacteria and viruses and then provides a barrier to prevent them from returning.”